How To Prepare For Colder Temperatures

When The Power Fails, Your Valor Won’t

With cooler temperatures on the horizon and the prospect of a frigid Winter, we wanted to remind our customers that Valor fireplaces provide efficient warmth, designed to heat your home without a fan or power supply. Valor’s are engineered to circulate air through natural convection, providing reliable heat, even during a power failure.

Don’t Get Caught in the Cold

Extreme weather patterns and storms cause significant damage and power outages each year across North America. Ensure your family stays warm by installing a dependable, radiant Valor gas fireplace in your home. Valor fireplaces provide a warm, comfortable environment for you and your loved ones. We take pride in being a reliable heat source, especially when you need us the most.

Learn more about Valor Fireplaces from OnFire Santa Rosa

No Power, No Problem

To learn more about No Power, No Problem and Valor fireplaces, visit

Zone Heat specific areas in your home

An efficient Valor gas fireplace directs warmth into the spaces you wish to heat with virtually no cycling losses. With a Valor installed in one or more of your main living zones, you can enjoy increased comfort while reducing furnace usage in colder weather or eliminating it during warmer Spring and Fall weather. Targeting specific areas that you frequent the most is more economical and efficient.

To learn more about Zone Heating, watch this video.