Proposed Wood Smoke Rule Amendments
The Air District is seeking to adopt regulatory amendments to Regulation 6, Rule 3 to further reduce fine particulate emissions from wood burning. Written comments on the proposed rule amendments must be received by 9:00 am on Monday, October 19, 2015. A public hearing to adopt these proposed amendments is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, 2015.
Click here for more information.
The proposed rule amendments
Restrict availability of the “sole source of heat” exemption by requiring that residences seeking to use the exemption to replace or upgrade any existing non certified wood burning device or fireplace to an EPA certified wood burning device, and register that EPA certified device with the Air District.
Provide a temporary exemption for non functional, permanently installed heaters.
Provide an exemption for loss of natural gas and/or electric power.
Update restrictions on the sale or resale of wood burning devices to require EPA certified cleaner burning technology.
Require a proactive and informative disclosure describing the negative health impacts of PM 2.5 when selling, leasing, or renting properties with a wood burning device.
Require rental properties in natural gas service areas to have a permanently installed form of heat that does not burn solid fuel.
Limit installations in new building construction to only non wood burning devices.
Require the replacement of an existing uncertified wood burning device with a clean burning device if a fireplace or chimney remodel exceeds $15,000 and requires a building permit.
Further restrict visible emissions from wood burning devices to be consistent with other sources of visible emissions addressed by Regulation 6, Rule 1: General Requirements.